Hearing Tests

If you’re asking people to repeat themselves or struggling to follow conversations in busy places, it might be time for a hearing test. At Professional Hearing Services, our audiologist provides thorough evaluations that help pinpoint exactly where you might be missing sounds. During your appointment, we’ll test how well you hear different pitches and volumes, check your speech understanding in quiet and noisy settings and examine your ears.

We know that getting your hearing checked is an important first step. Our testing gives us a clear picture of your hearing health, showing which sounds you hear well and which ones you might be missing. This helps us recommend specific solutions to improve your daily communication, whether that’s at work, home or social gatherings.

Who Should Have a Hearing Test?

Hearing tests are important for anyone who experiences difficulty understanding conversations, frequently asks others to repeat themselves or notices a persistent ringing in their ears. Adults over 50 should have their hearing checked regularly, as age-related hearing loss is common. Children, especially those struggling with speech or learning delays, should also undergo testing to rule out hearing issues. Additionally, anyone exposed to loud environments, like musicians or construction workers, should monitor their hearing health with routine tests. Regular screenings ensure any changes in hearing are identified early, supporting better communication and overall well-being.

What to Expect During the Test

During a hearing test, our  will start by discussing your symptoms, lifestyle and medical history to better understand your hearing health. They may ask about specific challenges, like difficulty hearing in noisy environments or a history of ear infections, to gather insights into potential causes of your hearing concerns. Next, they will examine your ears using an otoscope to check for blockages, like earwax or signs of damage that might impact your hearing. This thorough approach ensures that your hearing evaluation is tailored to your needs, setting the stage for accurate results and personalized recommendations.

Different Types of Hearing Tests

Different types of hearing tests are used to evaluate specific aspects of your hearing and pinpoint the nature and severity of any hearing loss. Each test offers valuable information, allowing our audiologists to create a tailored plan for your hearing health:

  • Pure-tone audiometry: This test measures your ability to hear tones at varying pitches and volumes through headphones. It identifies the softest sounds you can hear, which helps map your hearing range.
  • Speech audiometry: This evaluates your ability to recognize and repeat spoken words at different volume levels. It helps assess how well you understand speech in quiet and noisy environments.
  • Tympanometry: A small probe is placed in your ear to measure eardrum movement and check for middle ear issues like fluid or pressure problems. This test is often used to diagnose conditions affecting the ear’s mechanics.
  • Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs): This test measures sound waves generated by your inner ear’s sensory cells in response to stimuli. It helps determine if the cochlea is functioning properly and is often used for newborn hearing screenings.